


Three of the most important and prestigious testimonies are certainly the rock engravings of Mount Lippa, which clearly reproduce primitive hunting scenes, but also drawings of animals, crosses, warriors, weapons and labyrinths. Subsequently, in Roman times, the town received the typical urban physiognomy of the period, that is formed by a main street, located between two doors and secondary alleys that are perpendicular to it.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, it saw the incessant presence of the continuous barbarian invasions, which brought to light an aspect that soon became relevant, characterizing it as the nerve center of the entire defensive system of the lake. The name itself is evidence of this aspect, the etymology of Garda, in fact, seems to derive from the German word Warte, meaning fortress. And this is exactly what we were talking about - how his fortress was considered impregnable.
The very name of the lake, which in medieval times was Benacus, changed to Garda, clearly and definitively sealing the crucial role of this locality.

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