
The Scaliger Castle of Villafranca di Verona

The Scaliger Castle of Villafranca di Verona

The Castle of Villafranca in Verona was built starting in 1199, after the battle of Ponte dei Molini, which broke out in Mantua, and was completed in 1202. L 'objective was to use it to defend itself from sudden attacks by Mantua and other neighboring and neighboring countries.
Subsequently, in 1345, the Serraglio was completed, a defensive wall about 13km long, unique in Europe. It laid its foundations starting from Borghetto and united five castles: Borghetto, Valeggio, Gherla, Villafranca and Nogarole Rocca. Unfortunately, the connecting walls and towers were destroyed by the Austrian army in the first half of the 19th century. and from the inhabitants of Villafranca to procure building materials. Del Serraglio, today only a few traces remain that can be seen along the right bank of the Tione river, which passes a few tens of meters from the Castle.

Seven small towers are built inside the walls, also called "Torresine". At the base of the keep, stones are visible from a probable arch dedicated to the emperor Tiberius. The wars, which took place in the following eras, destroyed part of the Castle.
Starting from 1450, the Castle was abandoned and only centuries later was it bought by private individuals including Angelo Alessandri or G. B. Simeoni, count of Villafranca.
The clock, which we find on the main tower, was inserted in 1890, following the reconstruction of the tower itself.
A little further on from the entrance, just below the main tower, is the Chiesa del Cristo, the first church established in the Villafranchese area. Inside the church, there is a 14th century fresco depicting the Crucifixion of Jesus and three 18th century canvases painted by Giovanni Battista Lanceni. These depict the scourging, the mocked Christ crowned with thorns, and finally his ascent to Calvary.

Currently, the Castle is considered the symbol of Villafranca and is used during renowned musical events, shows, historical reconstructions and fairs, hosting the Nobel Nobel singer-songwriter Bob Dylan in 1998 and Coldplay in 2000. In 2016 the Municipality of villafranca requested an increase in capacity for the public, which at the moment stood at 4750 seats.
