
Verona the city of Juliet

Verona the city of Juliet

Juliet's House is famous worldwide for being the presumed residence of Juliet, the celebrated heroine of William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet." The house has become a symbol of eternal love and an essential destination for tourists visiting Verona.

Juliet's House dates back to the 13th century and is an exemplary representation of Verona's medieval architecture. It is located on Via Cappello, in the heart of Verona's historic center, and consists of various structures surrounding a delightful inner courtyard.
Although there is no concrete historical evidence proving this was actually Juliet's residence, the legend and Shakespeare's theatrical masterpiece have contributed to making it a place of great romantic significance.

The highlight of Juliet's House is undoubtedly the famous balcony on the first floor, overlooking the inner courtyard. It is believed that it was from this balcony that Juliet spoke her famous words of love to Romeo, in the renowned balcony scene from the Shakespearean play.
The balcony is often surrounded by a large number of visitors who gather to admire it and take photographs. A bronze statue of Juliet is placed in the courtyard, just below the balcony, and it is customary for visitors to touch her right breast. This gesture derives from popular tradition, which believes it safeguards true love, and with this act, lovers ensure good fortune in love, a fortune the tragedy's protagonist couldn't have.

The inner courtyard of Juliet's House is a lovely place with a romantic atmosphere. The courtyard walls are covered with graffiti and love dedications left by visitors from all over the world, who attach love notes to the surrounding walls. The courtyard is also adorned with beautiful flowers, making it a charming and poetic refuge, ideal for lovers.

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